Blackjack Municipal Court
Blackjack Disposal. Dumpster Rental Services Providing dumpster rental for Wise, Denton, Collin, Hunt, Parker, Tarrant, Dallas, Rockwall, Kaufman, Johnson. City of Sand Springs P.O. Sand Springs, OK 74063 Phone: 918-246-2500. On April 24, 1998, Blackjack filed a complaint claiming that between 1991 and May 12, 1997, the Las Vegas Municipal Court had improperly charged fees for bail bonds because it lacked the authority to assess fees. It also requested that the $185,960.00 collected from appellants in filing fees for bail bonds over that period be returned. Black Jack Disposal 287 FM 429 / Terrell, TX 75161 / 972-703-2626 Free recycling for plastics #1-7, aluminum, cardboard, paper, and tin. Glass is NOT accepted for recycling. Brush, debris and other items are fee based. Kaufman County County wide Clean Up events offered throughout the year.
Did you get a ticket in Black Jack, Missouri?
Stop Sign, Electric Signal Violation, Driving While Suspended, Possession of Marijuana, or any other ticket, our Crestwood traffic lawyers can handle it where “no points” is the goal.
Did you receive a Speeding ticket in Black Jack?
Our Black Jack traffic lawyers handle speeding ticket defense, where “no points” is the goal.
Did you receive a Minor in Possession ticket?
Our Black Jack MIP lawyers handle MIP defense, where the object is keeping your record clean and your driver license from being suspended or revoked.
Did you receive a ticket for Driving While Intoxicated?
Our Black Jack DWI attorneys handle drunk driving defense, where your driver license and your freedom are at stake. We handle all aspects including the Administrative Hearing or the ramifications of a refusal.
Let our Black Jack traffic law attorneys start helping you today. Fill out the form on the side of this page.
This page contains Court information Links for Black Jack, Missouri.
Black Jack Municipal Court
12500 Old Jamestown Rd
Black Jack, MO 63033
Phone: 314-355-0401
Fax: 314-355-4196
Hon. John Duepner, Jr
Prosecuting Attorney
Zachary Smith
Prosecuting Attorney Assistant
Susanne Krafft
Court Administrator
Karen Jones, CCA
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5:00 pm
Court Dates and Docket Dates
Traffic: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Court fines may be paid in person via cash, credit card, money orders, or cashier’s check at Violations Bureau from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Checks are not accepted.
Blackjack Municipal Court Chicago
Mail payments in the form of money order only made payable to City of Black Jack to:
Blackjack Municipal Court Colorado
Black Jack Municipal Court
12500 Old Jamestown Rd
Black Jack, MO 63033