Blackjack Surrender Strategy Chart
Early surrender is a seldom found rule in which the player may forfeit his hand and half his bet before the dealer checks for blackjack. The strategy is different from late surrender only when the dealer has a ten or ace showing. Following is a list for when to take early surrender against a dealer 10 or ace, regardless of the rules, except as. Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart. Here are the charts outlining the basic strategy. They tell you what to do given the value of your hand found on the left, and the card the dealer is showing (right two columns). Additional Rules. If surrendering is allowed, surrender if you have a 16, and a dealer’s up card is a 10. Looking at the blackjack chart, the blackjack strategy card tells us to stand whenever you have 17 points or more in your hand, regardless of what the dealer is showing for an up card. Reduce the value of your hand by one point to 16, and the chart says to stand when the dealer’s up card is a 6 or lower.
I am wondering why differences exist in basic strategy charts for late surrender where the dealer does not peek for blackjack. All except for one chart that I have seen do not advise surrendering with a point total under eight versus a dealer show card of ace. However, the basic strategy chart on the Wizard of Odds web page does advise surrender on 5-7 against a dealer ace. Does anyone know which is correct and why?

No it doesn't. I assume you are looking at the H17 chart, where it advises you to surrender 15-17 (NOT 5-7) against an ace.
If the Wizard's strategy says that it's right, it's right. It makes sense for no hole card.
Can you actually find a game with this combination of rules?
Here is the link I f you select one deck, surrender allowed with any dealer up card, and no peek/no hole card (European), then you will see this.
Blackjack Surrender Strategy Chart Printable

Thank you for your response. I will go with the Wizard on this. I do not know if such a game really does exist. I developed an app for learning the basic strategy and am expanding it to include European variations. I test all combinations. Thanks again.
I see.
Just remember that with an ace showing, no hole card, and you having two non-tens (as you must with a total of 5-7), the dealer makes a blackjack 16 times out of 49. It is going to skew the odds quite a bit (surrender is correct when your EV on the hand is less than -0.5 bets. Having almost 1/3 of the hands being automatic losers goes a long way towards getting the EV that low)

Edit: spelling
Blackjack Surrender Strategy Chart Example