What Do Roulette Numbers Add Up To
Do all the numbers on a roulette table add up to 666? What you have to do is you add up all the numbers then you divide by the number of numbers. Say you have the numbers 45,56,39 and 35.
Nov 07, 2016 Did you know that all the numbers on a roulette wheel (1 to 36), when added together make 666, the Number of the Beast according to the Book of Revelation? No wonder it’s sometimes referred to. The order of the numbers on the roulette wheel has nothing to do with their arithmetic value. This is one of the secrets that makes roulette such a balanced game – at least in theory. The sequence of numbers is carefully designed, and manages to accomplish several things at once: The sequence is confusing. For instance, adding any three numbers that appear horizontally together on the Roulette table can be related to the number six. The numbers 28, 29, and 30 appear horizontally toward the end of the table. The total for those three particular numbers added together is 87.
There are scores of table games that are extremely popular amongst online casino fanatics, including Poker, Blackjack, and of course the much talked about Roulette. You may know that the Roulette wheel which is embossed with numbers can bring you good luck, but are you aware of the fact that the total of all these digits adds up to the ‘number of the beast, 666’?
Although the layout is not the same for different Roulette wheels, the numbers add up to 666. Here’s how.
The origins of the Roulette wheel
Probably one of the oldest casino games, the Roulette wheel still continues to attract millions of players across the globe. The origins of Roulette go right back into the 1600s France. Roulette was invented by the famous mathematician Blaise Pascal who wanted to create the perpetual motion machine. In 1842, Francois and Lois Blanc redesigned the table of the game to add a zero, securing the house edge for the table owner.
What are the Roulette wheel numbers?
You must first have a knowledge of the standard numbers on the Roulette wheel so that you can easily understand the Roulette wheel number phenomenon.
The pockets of the Roulette wheel are numbered from 0 to 36. The odd numbers are coloured red, while even are black in colour. Also, there is a single pocket in European Roulette which is numbered as zero, and there are two zero pockets in the American variant. The pocket number order in most Roulette variants follows a certain set pattern.
How did the 666-calculation come into play?
When players talk about the addition of the standard Roulette wheel numbers, they usually refer to some mystical powers. It’s said that the number 666 is associated with the devil, and became wide-spread when Francois and Blanc (famous magicians) brought the game of Roulette to Bad Homburg and subsequently to Monaco. With the state government operating the gambling venue, Blanc was right under the spotlight. Some people said that he conspired with the devil to learn the secrets of the roulette wheel.
Try checking this out at the Roulette table
Next time you’re trying your hands at your favourite Roulette titles, try checking this out.
The first reference – Think of numbers from 1 to 36 on the table. The first number 1 and the last number 36 when added sum up to 37. Likewise, number 2 and 35 add up to 37, 3 and 34 sums up to 37, and so on. Now, following the pattern when you arrive at 18+19, you again get a total of 37.
The second reference – When you add any three numbers appearing diagonally on the table, the result will be number 6. The number 12, 14, and 16 all appear diagonally to add up to 42. And when you add number 2 and 4, the result is 6 of course!
The third reference – Three numbers appearing horizontally on the Roulette wheel adds to six, and the numbers 28, 29, and 30 are inscribed horizontally towards the rear. The sum of these numbers is 87, and when you add 8 and 7, the total is 15. Now, if you add 5 and 1, the sum is 6.
Do you have a lucky number? We have several. Do they drop in for us on the roulette table? Well, we like to think they do, but to be honest, we have never done a scientific analysis of it.
Roulette Numbers Results
Numbers play an important part in all cultures. In the west, the number 7 is lucky and the number 13 is seen as unlucky, for example, whereas in Chinese cities, buildings often don’t have a fourth floor as that number is seen as unlucky. The roulette number 8, in contrast, is seen as very lucky in China. Numbers that add up to 8 like the number 26 are also seen as lucky (it also sounds a bit like “easy profitable” in Cantonese.)
That’s what this section is all about. We are going to run though all of the numbers on a roulette wheel (bear with us, there are 37 of them), and we’ll explore whether the number has any specific meaning in different cultures and we’ll list some interesting facts and stories associated with it.
Is this one of those roulette tips that will help you pick a winner on a single number bet? Well, no, but it’ll be fun anyway. And it might help you pick the number. Who knows? It might be the winner, but we’re not going to claim any credit for it even though we are a bit superstitious.
Numbers have long held a fascination for cultures around the world. They seem to be the building blocks of the universe and somewhere in there is the answer to that age old question “what makes the universe tick?”
Numbers are not numerals by the way. Numerals are symbols used to represent numbers.
So the Romans, for example, used “V” for 5 and “X” for 10. Natural numbers (numbers that you use for counting) are the ones you’ll find on a roulette wheel. For most of history, the natural numbers began with 1 and then in the 19th century, mathematicians included 0. 00 has never been used in maths by the way!
The Main Types of Numbers
Please bear in mind that the roulette odds of all the numbers on the wheel are the same. We are not suggesting otherwise as they all take up the same amount of space on the wheel (well, if the wheel is biased or is imperfect they may not all be equal, but the difference will be very very small). That being said, let’s continue…..
Mathematicians talk of integers, which are whole numbers (not fractions) that can be positive, negative, or zero. So all of the numbers in roulette are integers, apart from the 00 which is a special that you only see in roulette.
One of the most popular bets on the roulette wheel is the even/odd bet, an outside even money bet. And this is one of the main classifications of numbers generally. An even number is can be divided two to give a natural number (i.e. one that is not a fraction or does not have a decimal point- which would be a real number). The rest are odd numbers. 0 is a special case of course. Actually, it is not really. It passes the even number test easily- so it is even. (I guess we get confused due to history. The Greeks didn’t even consider that 0 was a number).
Any number that can be split into 2 to make another whole number is even. If you halve zero, you get zero, so it passes this test.
Also, the neighbours of even numbers have odd numbers either side of them. Zero also passes this one – minus one and one sit either side of it.
Prime Numbers
A quick video from the Khan Academy explaining Prime Numbers.
A prime number is an integer greater than 1 that you cannot make by multiplying together two smaller whole numbers. Prime numbers have fascinated people for thousands of years.
Numbers On Roulette Wheel Add Up To
As the Khan Academy says, prime numbers have been studied by mathematicians and mystics for a long time. They are both basic and mysterious. The more you learn about them, the more you discover that the universe is a fascinating place. The video above is from the Khan Academy and is an introduction to the magic of prime numbers.
The following is a list of the prime numbers on a roulette wheel: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31. Here is a list of the first 1000 prime numbers– it might give you some inspiration on those straight up bets!
Roulette Numbers Add Up To
They are often popular roulette bets, as they are seen as “magic” numbers, but of course that may be just hocus-pocus. The lucky number 17, in particular, has featured in some pretty famous roulette bets such as Mike Ashley’s £1.3 million roulette win on a single spin.
What Do All The Numbers On A Standard Roulette Wheel Add Up To

There are many other interesting sub-sets of numbers, including Fibonacci numbers (which forms the base of a famous roulette system) and perfect numbers. A prefect number hat is a perfect number?
A perfect number is a whole number, (greater than zero) that you can make by adding up all the factors of the number. (Factors are numbers you multiply together to get that number, so the factors of 6 are 1,2,3 and 6.
!+2+3 = 6, so 6 is a perfect number as you can make it by adding together all of its factors.
28 is also a perfect number as it’s factors are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28. Add together its factors lower than the actual number and you get 28.
All Roulette Numbers Add Up To 666
So on a roulette wheel, there are 2 perfect numbers, 6 and 28. Incidentally, some people avoid these numbers because they superstitiously believe that to be that perfect is somehow unlucky. And 6 is seen as unlucky anyway in some cultures, due to religious reasons, but more on that later.
What Do Roulette Numbers Add Up To Play
Interesting, hey? I bet you never knew that mathematics could be so fun! Especially if it helps you find your winning number. We hope we find your lucky roulette number!
1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28